Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The hiccups on this one are absolutely fantastic. And as a band known for hiccups, this one is pretty awesome.

Despite its plain descriptives, these are some some of the most heartfelt lyrics to come along in a long time, let's cut the fucking bullshit.

A nice way to wrap up the demo.

And ladies, guys don't wait.

I'll wait for you (Justin)
Got your number from your friend...
Call you straightaway the next day but I just couldn't get through for the first time...
Took my 10-cent out from my pocket, call you again and then ok that was when I talked to you...for the first time.

I don't know why, everytime the first time is always the best.
And the rest, is just a mess.

I'll wait for you...I'll wait for you.

Everytime I see you with your guy, my mind just go blank, I stare into the sky.
I just can't put that thought, behind.

I'll wait for you...I'll wait for you.


  1. Hey Louise,

    Ray here. Hope you're doing great! We met many years at a couple shows and even shared the stage with you guys (the best i could remember was Jammerz Pit?). I played guitars and sang for Kate of Kale. Well, I still do!

    Really happy to stumble on this blog, especially after realizing how recent these posts are! I googled SubDam at work today cos I "Katy Wants To Be Everybody's Best Friend" came on my iPod while on shuffle mode.

    I've been a fan since '99 and I've always wondered what happened to the 2nd album you guys recorded at TNT. A couple tracks went on Adam's compilation CD and they sounded really good. I'd be delighted to release it on my DIY label if you guys are still keen on putting it out.

    You can write me at !! Keep posting!

  2. Hey Ray,

    Good to see you here, its been a long while.

    Dropped you an email at

